The best choice and best chance for North East Herts

I believe that it is everyone's responsibility to make the world a better place.

I am involved in politics because I believe that now, more than ever, our nation needs a strong, liberal voice in government.

I care passionately about the issues that affect people every day, like the NHS, social care, having great community schools and housing. I want to ensure that we have the best possible Brexit deal and that the public gets a chance to have a say on it - better yet, I'd like to avoid any kind of Brexit! I know that many EU citizens have made their homes in the UK. I am committed to doing everything in my power to guarantee their rights. I believe that an open, connected Britain is better for everyone here.

Nicky wearing green jacket

Community Campaigner

I have a strong background as a community campaigner, fighting for the rights of the people of Abbey in Cambridge. In the 2017 County Council elections, I ran the most successful Liberal Democrat campaign in the Division in history.

I was selected as the Liberal Democrat Candidate for Abbey in the City Council Elections in May 2016 and 2018, and County Council Elections on 4th May 2017.





